Download learn piano - what you want.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010 § 0

My wife is a piano teacher and is always looking for new and better ways to keep her students having fun. We've got a pile of music books, board games with flash cards for notes and chords, and sometimes we give prizes to the person who can get the farthest through a song without missing a note. These are all great ways to keep students interested but, now that we are full swing into the computer age, it just doesn't keep them as entertained as it used to.

Computers really are a great tool and we decided that our students would really benefit from using this technology to improve on their skills. The problem is that there are plenty of options out there, you can download a piano course from a lot of different websites but many of them offer only e-books, maybe a few example songs, or a video or two. Obviously you're interested in playing the piano, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this, so let me help you find the right place to download a piano course.

What you Really Want

Step by Step lessons - You don't just want a few lessons. You want a LOT of lessons. The last thing you want is to get good at a few songs and then find that you have trouble learning others. Often we have questions that a lot of courses just don't answer and that is something you want to avoid.
Audio Files - Reading from a book on piano is helpful but not for everyone. When you're learning how to play a song it really helps to be able to hear the song you're trying to play. Download a piano course that has plenty (at least 50) audio files for you to play along to.
Video lessons - My biggest problem when learning piano is that I always wondered if I was moving my fingers correctly. Not all of us live with a piano teacher and this can be very frustrating. Video lessons are just as good as having your own teacher (in fact, it's better...but don't tell my wife). With video lessons at your disposal you can see the exact techniques at any time of the day.
Games! - This is the biggest feature you should be looking for when trying to download a piano course. I'm not kidding, if you download a piano course with Games that teach you the basics AND make it fun to learn, you're laughing. There are some great ones out there too. My favorite is still Jayde Musica Pro. This game teaches you notes easily by challenging you to beat your own high scores. Notes fly across the screen and you identify them as quick as you can. There is no better way to get familiar with reading sheet music.
The Complete Deal - My biggest complaint about most of the piano courses available is that they only teach you the Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced Level; Not all three. I really don't think you should be paying for something that becomes useless shortly after you've bought it. Download a piano course that evolves with you and you will get your money's worth.

The most important thing to I remember when you try to download a program of piano should be fun and not just education. I believe if you do not continue to play and fun, this is a shame because the piano is a blast!

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