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I think this album is quite good ... this is his best, no ... Is to get more, but this album is good. I think it is a vibration more mature, it stops with the public today. I think this album, like any artist, with the lifetime of an artist and the whole album means to do so when you do not get down because you will Ummm ---> Usher think I do not understand .. can not throw the same kind of time-of-each album, if nothing else this album shows his growth and how can I be a fanWelcome. Most of his songs have the same moods as the other albums he has done in the past, this is just another chapter.
Love in This Club Excellent, Nice steady beat with a vibe that snap your fingers ... Love the videos.
This is not sex: this channel I have the "Bad Girls" Confessions of ... good mood.
Trading Places: A nice flow of the album as well, very ... Usher Mid-slow tempo, soft, with nice hooks.
Moving Mountains: n Niceslowly ... a soft beat away.
What's Your Name: the artist: "I Will" ... a nice move to beat his head, hook Nice.
Prayer For You Interlude - shows an adult site of Usher, a little 'music ... flow soft and delicate.
Something special: I love this, this is a throw back ... and a classic, with a useful hooks and catchy melodies. We used these songs for the 'B' n sides remember the day, and quite funny when the music its true .. has always been the classic has been ... onRecord.
Love You Gently: a soft track soft sexy looking for women, shows his adult life and growth.
Best Thing with Jay Z Beat: It 'a sweet, some sounds up-tempo, fairly well, showing the diversity of the album.
Before I met you: Another one of those tracks, which is rather soft tone beats.
His mistake: it shows a softer side of Usher, with some up-tempo beats.
Appetite: Up time, nice hooks, and .... goes withLine-up disk.
What's A Man To Do: Another song that I like to give: Beats he is an Arab-type mid-time-after all, time is really solid ... Siberian river, the song sounds good while driving car.
Life: Another song that I like: mid-tempo, beat flows, the words are memorable and the flow of beats mesh well with the album.
Love In This Club Part II Beyonce & Lil Wayne: Like the original ... I hate Beyonce, this isa song the jump. My advice is to listen to the original.
Here I Stand love this song, a memorable song that we can enjoy for years to come. This demonstrates the versatility of a classic song and songs that are at the moment .. This is a classic.
In addition to "Beyonce ugly 'on his album, I liked the album. When I say this, that Beyonce and receive comment on Lovers ... So what, we evaluate all is not as Beyonce, get over it.
Most of all, the album was for me a lot! IfYour thinking of buying this to hear the songs on Amazon listed first, before ~ listen to the "negative evaluation.
Here I Stand Overview
2008 album from the R&B superstar. Here I Stand is Usher's follow-up to his history-making, nine-times platinum-selling Confessions. The album tells the story of growth: triumphant, reflective, somewhat defiant and it marks a new period in Usher's life and creative expression. Here I Stand finds Usher working with some of the best producers and writers around including Polow Da Don, Jermaine Dupre, Dre & Vidal and Dream & Tricky Stewart. Features the first single 'Love In The Club'. Laface.
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