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I would give this CD a 5 star rating, but there was only one fourth the only reason I did not give a 5 is because it is only 9 songs on it. Each song is very catchy with a hook. I hear over and over again. I especially love it in my head, what if, and blinded. But all are very good. The CD would be much better if it has more songs. Jason reminds me of a combination of Chris Brown, Usher, and Neyo. And 'the whole package that can dance and wow. The price on Amazon byCD import is only $ 7.99, which is really a great price. I can not wait for the next CD of Jason.
Jason Derulo Overview
A truly multi-talented artist knows no creative boundaries. This is the case with Jason Derulo the Miami-bred 20 year old singer, dancer and songwriter whose smash debut single 'Whatcha Say' heralds the arrival of a major new talent.
As the flagship artist in the new joint venture deal between Warner Bros. and super-producer J.R. Rotem's label Beluga Heights, Derulo has set his sights high. 'I don't want to stay in a box,' Derulo says. 'I want all the love!'
Following Derulo's breakout performance at this summer's KIIS FM Wango Tango, and with 'Whatcha Say' taking off, it feels as if Derulo has the makings of an overnight sensation.
In fact his story involves a lifetime of dedication.
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